At long last I got my hands on UT2004 (Steam Summer Sale!), and I wanted to play on ubuntu 12, it finally worked (no audio still, working on that, will update) (the guide I used as a base)
Now when I started the game under "Join Game", "Internet" was grayed out, so I did this
- Install the game on Wine
- Get the CDKEY from ("wine regedit" on the terminal) /HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM/Software/Unrea*/CDKEY
- mv ~/.wine/drive_c/
/steamapps/common/ ~/UT2004/ - Download and extract the patch, and exctract it to ~/UT2004, it will ask to replace a bunch of files
- Add ubuntu universe repository to /etc/apt/sources.list "deb hardy main universe"
- sudo apt-get install libsdc++5
- cd ~/UT2004/System
- ./ut2004-bin-amd64
- If there are any dependencies resolve them following this guide
Now when I started the game under "Join Game", "Internet" was grayed out, so I did this
- sudo vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
- in the "hosts:" line move dns to arrange the line like this "hosts: file dns